Whilst these have been worrying and difficult times for everyone, we want to ensure you that we are opening in line with both Government Guidelines and that of the Governing Swim Bodies. This allows us to make your Mermazing Swimming® experience as safe as possible. Please see below what actions we have implemented to help keep everyone safe: 

· We have undertaken Covid-19 awareness training and appointed a Covid-19 officer who is responsible for keeping up to date with government recommendations and any associated changes. 

· We have “live” Covid-19 specific risk assessments in place for each genre of class. 

· Pool tests will be conducted every 2 hours and any necessary changes implemented.  

· We are keeping class sizes small, in line with The Swimming Teacher’s Association (STA) recommendations. We will only ever have one class running at a time and start times will be staggered to allow time and space for class changeover. 

· We have installed hand sanitiser dispensers and signs at key “touch points” around the building and encourage you to use these frequently. We have also provided anti-bacterial wipes at various points within the building. 

· We will clean and sanitise all touch points before and after every lesson. 

· All pool kit will be sanitised in chlorinated water prior to use. 

· We have provided QR codes or check in registers around the building to enable you to contactlessly check in as per Track and Trace guidelines. All information is confidential and will be deleted after 21 days. 


We also need your help to keep us safe and we kindly ask the following: 


· If the swimmer, accompanying adult or anyone in close contact to you has displayed any symptoms including a new continuous cough, high temperature or loss or change in sense of taste or smell, please do not come to the pool.  

· Please comply with Track and Trace regulations – we encourage you to check in to our facility using the contact free QR codes posted in the building using your smartphone. We will also have handwritten registers available if you prefer. All information is confidential and will be deleted after 21 days. 

· All persons over 16 must be wearing a face mask in all areas, other than when in the water, unless medically exempt. Disposable masks will be available to purchase if needed.  

· Please arrive “beach ready” as close as possible to your lesson start time i.e all who can should arrive dressed in a onesie with swim kit on underneath and change quickly at the end of your lesson. 

· At this time, we ask that only one adult accompanies each swimmer. 

· Please maintain 2m social distancing wherever possible. 

· In line with Government Guidance the shower will remain closed and swimmers are
asked to shower when they return home. 

· The WC facilities are open, however we encourage you to limit use. Antibacterial wipes will be provided and we kindly ask that you wipe any surfaces you have touched after use. 

Thank you all so very much for your patience, understanding and cooperation during this time.